I'm as tree as a bird - May 10, 2019

- Yay for friends with laptops you can borrow!
- Barge wreck in Houston
- Antonia's first time!

- Neil consults with Luca (the paladin of Paladine, God of Justice) about whether or not he should use the bow - She comforts him that it is only a tool and as long as he doesn't use it to do evil or it doesn't have magic that compels him to do evil, there's no reason he shouldn't use it.
- Acta Detects Magic on the circle and says it's old Conjuration magic
- Neil and Luca step into the circle in the middle of the armory - the runes around the edge slowly begin to glow that then flashes outward and up - Acta feels a wave of magic with her active spell
- Luca then steps out of the circle with no problem
- Everyone shrugs and heads to the exit
- Just a few steps from the entrance, the group hears someone call out "Who dares disturb my home?"
- They turn around and standing there is a humanoid creature that looks like a man, but a man made of vines
- He is Orick, and he is mad about their trespass. He bends down and sticks his vine fingers into the dirt and there is a rumbling in the ground, then two trees behind them become animate and lumber towards the party

- Neil casts Ensnaring Strike on O for 7 piercing dmg
- O takes 10 piercing dmg from the thorny vines surrounding him, then causes vines to grow in a radius around him making it more difficult to get to him
- Acta shoots O with her bow for 18 piercing dmg
- Sariel turns into a Green Dragon (allosaurus) then Charges Orick, but misses with her claw attack
- T1 moves adjacent to Neil and smacks him for 16 bludgeoning dmg knocking his Concentration on Ensnaring Strike
- Luca moves adjacent to Orick and hits him with her hammer for 4 bludgeoning  and 9 radiant dmg.
- Penny moves to T1 and bites the tree for 6 piercing dmg
- T2 moves to flank the dragon (Sariel) with Orick and hits her for 19 bludgeoning dmg
- Cornelius moves away from T1 dodging the tree AoO, and then casts Ensnaring Strike on O for 6 piercing dmg, but he is not Ensnared
- O claws the dragon (Sariel) for 6 slashing dmg and then again for 6 more slashing dmg then his vine tendrils attacks 8 slashing and 3 poison dmg to Sariel, 8 slashing & 1 poison dmg to Luca, 6 slashing & 1 poison dmg, and 9 slashing & 6 poison on Acta
- Acta moves away from Orick and by the Temple's wall and then misses O with her bow then Hexes him
- Sariel-dragon bites O for 21 piercing dmg
- T1 moves adjacent to Acta taking no damage from either Penny's or Neil's AoO and misses smashing her
- Luca casts Hunter's Mark on Orick, then smashes him with her hammer for 11 bludgeoning and 12 radiant dmg
- Penny moves and then Pounces on T2 for 14 slashing dmg, but does not manage to knock the tree Prone
- T2 smacks Penny for 13 bludgeoning dmg
- Neil shoots O with Ensnaring Strike on O for 9 piercing dmg and O is entangled in thorny vines then Neil moves away from everyone
- O takes 7 ES piercing dmg, then he claws Sariel-dragon for 10 slashing dmg and then misses, then the tendril hits her for 6 bludgeoning and 5 poison dmg and she stops being a Green Dragon (allosaurus) and starts being herself again, then the tendril attacks bounces off Luca's mighty armor
- Acta Disengages as a bonus action from T1 and then shoots O for 20 piercing dmg killing O

- The trees shudder and settle their roots back into the ground losing their animation
- Sariel Speak with Plants the trees, but they can't tell if Orick is permanently dead. (The tree are either stoners, the Dude, or both)
- The group burn the remains of Orick, then head to the clearing where the stone alter is to be found.
- The alter is still there with the eleven bones on the ground beside it.
- A few days later the group has made it back to Ellilune's tower and village
- Ellilune meets them outside. They tell her about Orick.
- The group offers to place a power syphon in the Temple of Chemosh for her.
- Ellilune cannot say what the magic beans will be because the beans don't know until they are planted.
- They sell Rhodey to one of the villagers for 5 gp.
- She casts her spell on a bush, and the group goes through.
- They find themselves next to a tree on a small hill from which they can see Barkridge's manor.
- The walk to the door of the manor, knock and tell the butler that Lady Hawkwing and party are here to see Barkridge. He leaves and a bird person comes down the stairs. She looks like a peregrine falcon, but humanoid. She is wearing a purple tunic and has a ukelele across her back.
- Barkridge gives them their pay, which Luca tosses to Neil to count.
- The bird persons's name is Zaril.
- Barkridge wants them to accompany Zaril to the mountains to the south as an "diplomatic envoy" with a message to the giants who live there.
- The butler's name is Geoffrey. He will show them to rooms where they can rest for a few days before heading out.
- The pouch contained 2400 gp by Neil's count.

- 2,060 XP ea for 35,760 XP total ea. --> Level 8!


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