No Means No (But Resistance is Futile!) - April 5, 2019

- The skeletons poof into dust.
- The fire in the center of the room dies down and goes out.
- The light from Luca's magic hammer dims until it is 20 ft of dim light only.
- Sariel and Acta can see that the walls have murals painted on them.
- The first mural is of a king on a balcony looking down onto his subjects, but all his subjects look like gaunt, undead things who are wailing in pain.
- The second mural is a thief trying to break into a castle door looking back over his shoulder. He has vampire-type fangs.
- The last one is of a man who is on fire running away from fiery yellow skulls.
- Neil lights a torch, but it also can only cast 20ft of bright light, but the two light sources together can produce bright light where they overlap.
- The door the group entered by is now closed.
- Acta casts Detect Magic and can tell that the murals are magically in some way from the School of Enchantment
- Sariel casts Detect Evil & Good and can confirm that this place is in fact Desee crated in the name of Chemosh.
- Acta examines the doors and determines they are also magicked in some way, and its School of Evocation
- She gets closer to the doors to investigate, but can't figure out a way to disarm the magic traps.
- Acta knocks on one door, then knocks on the other door. When nothing happens with either door, she places her hand palm down flat on one door, she jerks it back quickly when it zaps her with Cold (2 dmg).
- Neil taps the door with the torch and the torch goes out. It won't light back up at first, but then after a minute or two, it lights okay.
- Acta warns everyone to back up, then it opens the door using Mage Hand to try to open the door, but it's locked.
- She then tries to pick the lock on the door, but she can only hold her lock picks for a few seconds at a time before they are too cold to hold.
- All the while, Neil is examining a murals with his torch, and when he turns to look at the next one, he notices that the one he's just turned from seems like it starts to move once it's in shadow.
- Luca sheaths her hammer and Neil tucks the torch into a corner.
- Sariel attempts to read the lips of the king, but the detail in the painting isn't good enough
- Acta watches the thief trying to pick the lock, but he never makes any headway. She then reaches out and touches the door, which feels like a wooden door. She then takes her lock picks back out and picks the lock in the mural with the thief, which gives a click after a moment. She tries to open the door in the mural, but it's just a painting. She reaches over and tries the door that zapped her with cold, and it opens!
- The next room has a laboratory with a stone table in the middle. The table is clearly covered in the residue of a thick, sticky liquid. Maybe tar, probably blood. There's a glowing ring (like you wear) in the middle of the table. Acta confirms that it is Enchanted.
- One wall has shelves with various (mostly broken) vial and bottle, but a few with dubious liquid left in them.
- Another wall is covered in old surgical instruments.
- The last wall is covered in living vines that looks ominously similar to the vines that create zombie people, but the leaves are bigger.
- Sariel and Acta notice that the leaves on the vine started to tremble, and Sariel notices that there's a strand of vines growing towards her.
- Sariel casts Speak with Plants. Each leaf has its own voice, so it's like listening to a chorus.
- So much conversation with plants! Master Orick who created them is dead from joining them. They do not know of Ellilune or Barkridge. The vines cannot sense other forms of themselves outside of this room, but they acknowledge that the sample Acta has in her bag is indeed the same kind of plant. (That plant is not talking to Sariel.) The ring on the table protected Orick by giving him Resistance to Cold dmg.
- Acta and Neil grabs all the vials containing liquid that they can carry and the four of them beat it back to the mural room, Sariel firmly closes the door to the laboratory behind them.
- Acta opens the other door in the mural room, and there's a staircase leading down.
- Luca leads the group down the stairs with Neil taking up the rear.
- When they reach the bottom, lights auto-illuminate themselves.
- There's a large room at the bottom with a circle with runes around the edges in the middle of the room. Outside of that there are weapon and armor racks filled with slowly disintegrating weapons and armor except for one longbow that Acta confirms is Enchanted. (Yay Detect Magic as an At-Will!)
- Walls are made of skulls. The "lights" are coming from the eyes of some of the skulls like their are torches where the brains used to be.
- The ceiling seems to disappear up into darkness so that you can't tell what it was made of.
- Neil picks up the bow. It feels more powerful than your average longbow and has an in-lay of skulls. (Vicious Longbow, +2d6 dmg on a Critical Hit)

- 2,500 XP ea. for 33,700 XP total ea.


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