Insert Skull, Receive Fight - March 29, 2018

- Rockwall library vs. Dallas Library
- Benchmark workout for Crossfit

- Lady Ellilune did indeed send the fire snakes that started this whole thing
- The porter's name is Broll, he has been the porter for six years.
- He sometimes consents to having her test her spells on her.
- The previous porter passed away in a boating accident.
- He's obviously very loyal to the Lady, has no qualms about her being an elf ruling over an area of humans, and has no memory of the transformation into a plant / human undead thing, and does not believe the group when they try to tell him about it.
- She does not want to get into what happened to the elf on the stone altar, but she does know about the Temple to Chemosh. She does not venture inside it. She recommends that the group not venture into it as she believes they would get themselves killed.
- She asks that they bring her the focus he is using to collect his power and says that if he is killed the spell collecting the power would probably disintegrate and stop functioning. She has a clue how has has done the thing, but the focus and the power source are directly linked, so it would be difficult for him to just create a new focus to redirect the power.
- "Have you met Acta!?" in response to a question about the group having guile and subterfuge --> Acta has NONE
- There is much discussion about Valador "Barkridge" and power sources.
- Ellilune agrees to transport them to the temple so they can poke around in it before they come back and get transported all the way back to Blackmoor.
- She casts Transport via Plants and they come out into the forest maybe 100' away from the entrance to the Temple.
- They enter the foyer of the temple and writing in Elvish glows, "Make the appropriate offering and enter."
- Acta knows that Chemosh is all about skulls, the fresher the better and the smarter the better.
- Neil and Penny hunt a deer and after cleaning it, hang it on the outside of the temple "because it fits the aesthetic", then he takes the head and put it in the niche under the writing. The writing then stops glowing.
- Acta casts Detect Magic at studies the doorway for a second, it's clearly enchanted with a strong sense of necromancy coming through the opening.
- Acta steps through the archway while her companions watch carefully.
- She doesn't die instantly, so Neil, Sariel, and Luca follow.
- There's a groaning noise, and everybody but Luca and Penny who were still walking through the doorway see two skeletons drop from hooks on the wall on either side of the doorway and prepare to attack. At the same time, a bright yellow flame springs to life in the center of the chamber.

- S1 looks at Sariel, she makes her Wis ST, so she just looks back at it.
- Sariel casts Moonbeam on S2.
- Neil shoots S2 for 15 piercing dmg.
- Acta casts Magic Weapon on her xiphos.
- S2 makes its Con ST, so it only takes 8 radiant dmg, then it locks eyes with Acta, she does not make her Wis ST and she is Paralyzed until it damages her or until the end of its next turn. Then it moves adjacent to Luca.
- S1 moves adjacent to Luca to flank with S2, then it punches her for 17 bludgeoning dmg, then it punches her again for 13 bludgeoning dmg.
- Sariel transforms into a Green Dragon (Allosaurus), moves adjacent to S2 and Bites it for 14 piercing dmg
- Neil shoots S2 with his longbow for 12 piercing dmg.
- Acta is paralyzed.
- Luca casts Prayer of Denunciation on S1, but it is immune to being Frightened.
- Penny moves adjacent to S1 then Bites it for 9 piercing dmg.
- S2 takes 15 radiant dmg. It moves adjacent to Acta and punches her for 28 bludgeoning dmg, then it punches her again for 14 bludgeoning damage (thank you, Uncanny Dodge)
- S1 looks at Penny, but she just growls at him.
- Sariel Bites S2 for 17 piercing dmg.
- Neil moves adjacent to Acta and casts Cure Wounds on her for 6 HP.
- Acta Disengages as her bonus action, then moves to the corner of the room, then she takes her Potion of Greater Healing restoring 14 HP.
- Luca swings her hammer and misses, but then swings again and hits S1 for 4 bludgeoning and 15 radiant dmg (Divine Smite)
- Penny dashes back to S2 (taking 13 bludgeoning dmg from S1 as she moves away from it), then misses Biting S2.
- S2 takes 6 radiant dmg, then readies to punch Sariel after S1 moves to flank.
- S1 moves adjacent to Sariel, S2 punches Sariel for 14 bludgeoning dmg, then punches her again for 19 bludgeoning dmg, then S1 misses punching her then punches her for 14 bludgeoning dmg.
- Sariel Bites S2 for 19 piercing dmg.
- Neil misses S2 with his short sword
- Acta tries to cast Hold Person on S1, but misses, so she Hexes it instead.
- Luca misses S1 twice.
- Penny Bites S2 for 12 piercing
- S2 takes 15 radiant dmg, then looks at Acta and Paralyzes her again.
- S1 takes 15 piercing dmg from Sariel and 5 bludgeoning and 9 radiant dmg from Luca as opportunity attacks then moves to Acta and punches her for 25 bludgeoning dmg then misses her.
- Sariel moves into the doorway then Charges S1 then Claws it for 7 slashing dmg.
- Neil misses S2.
- Acta swipes S1 for 13 slashing dmg and 1 necrotic dmg.
- Luca smashes S2 for 7 bludgeoning and a flash of radiant dmg kills it. She moves adjacent to S1 and hits it for 9 bludgeoning and 6 radiant dmg.
- Penny moves adjacent to S1 and Bites it for 9 piercing dmg.
- Montage to the death of the surrounded Skeleton. As this skeleton dies, the dire flames up and then settles into a low glow.

- 3,100 XP ea for 31,200 XP total ea.


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