Has he been telling you that 3" is giant this whole time? - March 22, 2019

- Alex's Skydiving accident story and video
- Dan's poor face
- Chode

- Up a spiral staircase in a branch off the main tower, the party is led to a suite that has a main sitting area and small sleeping cubbies
- Acta casts Detect Magic to check for scrying spells
- The door is the only things that has been magicked. It will not open.
- There is discussion.
- Sariel turns into a tiny lizard and squeezes under the door. There are thick vines growing over the door preventing it from opening. Also, the wooden stairs at the end of the stone landing are gone. There is a good 30' drop to the next landing.
- Neil takes off his hat and Luca holds his ankles while he leans out of the window to see what he can see there. It's pretty much what you would expect with a view of mostly the ocean, but still some visibility to the village as well. Since the room is in a smaller tower jutting off the main trunk, after about 10' or 15' the wall angles back and becomes a straight drop to the ground for the rest of the 80'. It would be pretty hard to repel down this on rope.
- The party plans to ask for some time the next day to talk to the villagers, then they discuss what they would be willing to help the Lady Ellilune with. They all agree that they will help her take out Barkridge (Valador), but want to be careful about the language and the long-term goal is to get her to stop making plant-human-undead abominations.
- Luca checks in with her horse in the stables, but nothing particularly is happening down there.
- In the morning, the porter knocks on the door and says the Lady requests their presence for breakfast.
- Sariel openly casts Detect Poison and Disease on the breakfast spread - it's fine.
- Sariel asks some time to talk to the villagers, which is readily granted.
- Lady Ellilune says their first mission would be to disrupt Valador's source of power and redirect them to her. However, the Holimion Forest would be free to stop being drained of its power.
- The Porter was the first person to be changed.

- 2,200 XP ea. for 28,100 XP ea.


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