Zombies, Zombies Everywhere and Not a Head to Smash - January 25, 2019

- Calleigh's Horrible, Awful, No Good, Very Bad Week
- Dan's good but also bad week. He forgot Jurassic Dark for the Game Pitch.
- April's blah week
- O'Brian's Master and Commander books - "Some facts may have been changed to protect the plot."

- The vines disappear into the ground as Acta wriggles free of the ones encompassing her.
- The rest of the night passes uneventfully.
- By the time everyone is up and moving around, it's late morning.
- Once the morning fog burns off, the group can see a large merchant vessel has pulled into the port of Bayside. It is flying the flag of Rhoanor.
- Acta suggests they see if the vessel is headed the direction they are going and maybe chartering passage to save their feet.
- As they approach the market / dock, Sariel casts Detect Evil & Good. Many of the longshoremen read as Undead. The sailors and crew members of the actual ship read as human.
- Neil talks the party onto the boat by asking after the captain, who is directing the unloading of the boat.
- Acta casts Detect Magic. The only sense of magic she gets is from the longshoremen.
- The party and Captain Johnson go to the ward room to discuss "a business proposition".
- Neil warns the navigator to be wary of the townspeople and not to sleep off the ship.
- The Captain can't speak to anything specific about the Lady's reputation except that it is fearsome indeed. Maybe not exactly "Kill yah as soon as look atchya" but adjacent at least.
- The party heads to the marketplace to do some shopping.
- A rather pushy man tries to sell Acta some pants.
- Luca finds the blacksmith and gets her armor and shield polished.
- Sariel buys an apple tart.
- Neil, the practical one, buys 2 more bug nets (have a total of 4 now), 4 hammocks, a hammer, a shovel, and a wood axe. You know, camping gear.

- 1,800 XP ea for 22,700 total ea.


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