This Town Ain't Right - January 4, 2019

- Presents from Dan!
- The misadventures of Frodo's butt

- The group looks up in the direction of the drumbeats as Acta melts away into the shadows and sees torchlight coming towards them through the trees
- The retreat as a group to the treeline
- A group of people wearing dark, blood-red cloak / robes and wearing tribal masks, some carrying torches some carrying spears enter the clearing. There's several dozen of them, and they approach the stone alter.
- The robes part and one person comes forward and sweeps the bones away. A human man is dragged forward struggling and is lashed to the table. The group starts chanting.
- A man comes forward and is clearing casting a Ritual incantation (as far as Acta is concerned - it feels nature-y, but also deathly).
- The ground starts to rumble.
- Vines begin to grow out of the ground around the alter, then arc over the table and start to encircle the victim.
- The party is extremely unhappy about all this, but they are not suicidal, so they just watch in horror.
- The victim starts to scream and thrash as the vines grow into his body.
- Eventually the screaming stops and an eerie silence comes over the clearing.
- The cloaks just stand there and stare at him.
- The vines have severed themselves from the ground and are climbing up the sides of the alter. Eventually the vines climb all the way into his body, and once there are no more visible, the cloaks untie the man, gather him up, and move to carry him back to wear they came form.
- Sariel casts Speak with Plants and asks the trees about the ritual that just happened. They say a life was destroyed and created.
- They are confused when she asks what kind of life was created. She explains that she is an animal-type life and they are plant-type lives. They say yes, a joined type of life was created.
- The trees have witnessed hundreds of these rituals.
- The ritual happens once or twice a moon.
- The trees say that sometimes things only die.
- The trees say that usually the group gets everything done at once, so Sariel concludes they aren't likely to come back
- The group decides to go ahead and sleep here, Neil casts Alarm, but they decide to conduct watches too. Unfortunately Luca falls asleep during third watch, so Neil never has to take the last watch.
- It rained overnight, so the tracks are a bit muddied, but still easily follow-able because there were literally at least 50 of them.
- The tracks are easy to follow. They head almost due north.
- After an hour, there is a village. Most of the people are wearing grey-ish, green-ish robes.
- The tracks definitely led to the village.
- The group does stand out. Quite a bit.
- They head to the pub, it's called the Thorny Rose.
- Everyone gets an ale, but Luca and Cornelius also get "something stronger". Everyone also gets a venison stew.
- Acta sips her ale and opens her magical senses and feels like there's definitely magic around, but it's hard to tell if the feelings is coming from inside the bar, outside the bar, or both.
- The village is called Rockglen. It's about a day's travel from the ocean. There's a few coastal towns around, and there's a tower with a Lady. The Lady is a sort of ruler and "everyone serves her in their own way".
- They chat with the barkeep, Tommy, for a bit anda few patrons around.
- Sariel casts Detect Evil & Good surreptitiously, and all six of the people in the bar read to the spell as Undead.
- Sariel convinces Acta that they need to get their tipsy companions and get out of here.
- Acta comes up with a story for Tommy so they can retreat without suspicion.
- Sariel keeps the spell going outside as they get Lexi and Rhody and head north again. Everyone in the town is Undead.
- They beat a hasty retreat up the north road towards the ocean.

- 1,800 XP ea for a total of 18,600 XP ea.


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