The Presents of Elven Remains - December 7, 2018

- I found the Giant Spider card after I hand wrote a Giant Spider card.
- Dan has a language point to spend when it makes RP sense.
- April finds her Uncanny Dodge card after making a new one/
- April

The Loose-y-est of Goose-y battles.
- The Alarm spell wakes up the party, and they see the flying skull, but Acta sees a second one.
- Acta misses the Flaming Skull with her arrow
- It responds by belching a fire ball at them. No one dodges except Neil, but Acta and Sariel Resist fire so, Penny and Luca are the only ones who take the full 32 fire dmg.
- Luca casts Abjure enemy at the closest one, but it's immune. It's speed is still halved, though.
- Neil manages to clock the one that hadn't belched fire yet with Ensnaring Strike capturing it with some tree branches, and it responds by also belching a fire ball
- Sariel casts Protection from Energy (fire) on Luca who is very badly burned
- Neil casts Cure Wounds on Penny for 4 HP. They both start running in the direction of away.
- FS1 screams at Neil, but he saves, taking only 4 fire dmg.
- Acta starts running and dives into a bush.
- FS2 casts Magic Missile at Luca
- Sariel transforms into a Green Dragon (Allosaurus) then attempts to pick up Luca and run away with her, but mostly ends up dragging her by a foot.
- Cornelius moves 30ft along with the group, driving the horse and donkey ahead of him while shooting an arrow, but misses
- Neil takes 3 more fire dmg, but then everyone runs away.

- Once it's clear they've lost the Flaming Skulls, Neil casts Cure Wounds on Luca, who is awakened.
- Acta tells Sariel to stomp her right foot for yes and left foot for no.
- They continue on a little farther where they find a bit of a clearing. Luca and Acta pause to heal themselves, and Sariel guards the perimeter.
- Acta notices that there is a stump just on the side of the clearing over there, and she notices that something is glittering on it. She heads that direction, and finds that the stump is really more like a stone altar, and there is a skeleton with wrists and ankles tied to the altar. The only things left on the skeleton are some boots, a mace of some kind, and a fancy looking bag. They are all magicky per her Detect Magic spell. She picks up the fancy bag and sticks her arm into the bag and it keeps  going and going up to her shoulder! As she pulls her hands back out she feels another something in there, and she pulls out a smaller leather pouch full of different colored beans. They also seem magicky. (Bag of Holding - DMG pg 153)
- Sariel as the green dragon nudges the mace towards Luca who has also come over.
- Acta sticks a boot on one of her hands. She feels like they would help the wearer be stealthy. (Boots of Elvenkind - DMG pg 155) She's pretty confident about her stealth abilities, so she hands these off to Cornelius.
- Luca picks up the mace, and she can sense that fiends and undead can be obliterated by this weapon.
(Mace of Disruption - DMG pg 179).
- Acta identifies that the skeleton was an elf.
- Then Acta hears a low rumbling in the distance, and then she realizes that she's hearing drum beats
- Acta hides after announcing the drums to everyone else.

- 2,000 XP ea for 16,800 XP total ea.


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