Nuremberg Forest - November 30, 2018

- New house!!
- Judy's here too
- Frodo is a butt

- As the party is preparing to take their prisoner away from the burning village (no real chance of a forest fire), everyone except Luca hears the call of a horn, and Cornelius hear a very faint answering call from the NW
- Sariel casts Pass Without Trace as quickly as possible
- Neil asks the lizardfolk how many there are ("Enough to do you in.") then gags the prisoner on the back of the horse
- They head east at a brisk pace with Sariel transformed into a horse carrying Neil and Acta keeping an eye out for a small path or deer trail or something that heads north after a few miles as soon as Sariel can't maintain horse form. (Two hours at this point.)
- They finally take a short rest, Neil and Penny spend Hit Dice, and Neil also casts Cure Wounds on himself
- The group all fail their Perception checks while they are resting (highest two tied at 11)
- When they turn back around, the prisoner is gone. Neil finds a set of prints heading south. He sends Penny to track and capture the guy. He goes after her.
- Acta separates herself from the group to attempt to stealth, but isn't great at it.
- Penny manages to capture him again
- Neil tells the prone lizardfolk that he made a poor choice, and chops off his foot. Neil then apologizes to the women of the party for having to see that.
- Luca attempts to cast Zone of Truth, but the lizardfolk saves.
- Neil asks him why his clan is raiding villages. The answer is that they have things that we want.
- Neil asks a bunch of questions but gets vague or misleading or useless except that his name is Mutoko and that the human lands are north of here.
- Neil pronounces that Mutoko has committed crimes of aggression against his neighbors and beheads him.
- Luca says a prayer of Paladine over him. Then she hangs his tooth necklace on a nearby tree as a grave marker.
- Acta palms his bone dagger.
- They head north for about 15 minutes and then Sariel sits down to try to commune with the local nature spirits
- She succeeds and a bird nature spirit tells her that the humans are about 4 days north of here on foot with no major geographic obstacles between here and there.
- They travel for about two days before they find a game trail or disused path headed in the right direction, which helps them travel a little more easily.
- Near the end of the second day, they see a structure that looks like an old, stone building of some sort, partially crumbled.
- Penny sniffs the threshold, and makes a huffing noise, but nothing to indicate that there's danger inside.
- Sariel casts Detect Good & Evil, she doesn't detect anything
- Acta casts Detect Magic and opens her senses
- Acta is poking around the threshold, and notices the symbol of Chemosh above the door. He is the god of Undead.
- The group decides to get the hell out of there as far as possible until the light totally fails them.
- After traveling a little bit of distance, they stop and Sariel casts Speak with Plants and asks the trees if any bipedal alive or dead things have passed by lately.
- The trees says they've only seen deer, but sometimes there are spirit orbs.
- They make camp just out of sight of the path.
- Cornelius sets an Alarm spell (audible)
- They drift to sleep, but the Alarm spell is almost immediately wakes them back up.
- There is a bright orb flying really fast overhead, but then it flips around and it's a flaming skull.
- It seems to be making a beacon for the party's camp.

- 1,500 XP ea for 14,800 XP total ea. - Level up to 6!!


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