And So, By and By, A Night and a Day Pass - October 26, 2018

- Eve online
- Next time at the new house!!
- Don't fuck with a Solar

- Luca leads the group up the trail until she sees a secluded clearing off to the side where they have a Short Rest
- Luca then leads the group back to the path and travel as fast as Rhody can travel away from the area
- Eventually, Acta, Cornelius, and Penny eventually lose their Paralysis.
- Sariel transforms back into a person, and the group agrees to continue up the path for a bit, then Sariel casts Pass Without Trace and they head into the swamp-forest in the general direction they need to go rather than off in the wrong direction until they find a defensible place to set up camp
- The group oversleeps the Alarm spell, waking in the late morning.
- They decide to head back towards the fork in the path and try the one that heads east rather than north.
- While they walk, Sariel points out that the lizardfolk would be much less nimble not riding their spiders, and also they didn't seem that bright
- They reach the fork and head east.
- In the late afternoon, it seems as though they are reaching a more settle area like a village.
- Cornelius attempts to climb a tree but "he has lingering effects of spider poison weakening his limbs" so he ends up needing Penny's help to get up into the tree
- Once in the tree, Neil sees that the buildings and structures look more human than lizardfolk in design, but he also doesn't see any people out and about in the village. It almost looks abandoned. Also the smoke seems to have died down behind them.
- Neil, Penny, and Acta sneak into town to inspect, but they see no evidence of fighting or inhabitation
- The first building they come to is empty of easily transportable items of import (food, clothes, candles), but there are furniture and some tools in logical places for these things to be.
- There are no signs of a recent fire in the fireplace.
- Luca and Sariel sneak into town in the tracks of their companions leaving the equine critters at the edge of town

- 1,500 XP ea. for 11,300 XP total


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