There Once Was a Lizard from Nantucket - September 21, 2018

- Ribbons! We're only three levels late on the first one.
- The Illiad as a DnD campaign. Lots of crits at both ends of the spectrum.

- Cornelius accidentally uses Silence (new) on Acta
- Luca summons her magic steed for the first time and names her Alexandra
- Sariel is trying to convince everyone to go northeast to find the Witch, but everyone else seems to want to head back west. She eventually convinces Neil and Luca.
- Neil trades his chain armor to a lizardman for studded leather
- Rhogni approaches them the next morning and says she has something for Sariel. It is Hide armor that Resists fire
- The warhorse (named Alexandra) sniffs Penny and Penny does the jump back and puff up thing that cats do.
- The party is met by a large lizardman named Bhisk who is the guide who will take them to the edge of the Land of Fire in the direction of the Bright Wolf clan.
- As they are walking with their warhorse and donkey (Rhody), Neil asks Bhisk for his dirtiest joke, "What do you call intercourse between two scaly lovers with small arms? Tyrannosaurus sex."
- And so the language exchange begins
- Neil's return joke, "A great human emperor was touring his realm and came across a man who bore a striking resemblance to himself, so he asked the man if his mother had ever worked at the palace. The man replied, 'No, but my father did.' "
- The lizardman is confused.
- He responds with, "Where do you find the freshest eggs? In the cloaca?"
- Neil doubles over in laughter, Bhisk two, Neil 0.
- Occasionally while traveling, they see the steam elementals, who run from Bhisk.
- After two more days, Bhisk stops and announces that they have reached the edge of the Land of Fire
- Bhisk departs back to his village
- There's a faint path in front of them so they follow it.
- After another few hours, they reach a fork in the trail. One path goes east(ish) and the other goes north(ish)
- Cornelius climbs a nearby tree and sees that the northern path has a lot of thinly-spread smoke
- The group heads north
After several more hours, near dusk, the group is trying to decide if they want to continue or make camp when Penny suddenly bristles.
- Neil is suddenly covered in a large blob of spiderweb, his whole head is covered
- There are several large giant spiders being ridden by lizardfolk.
- Sariel tries to get the webbing off of Neil's face so he can talk, and Acta pushes her aside and slits the webs with her dagger cutting his face a little (4 HP slashing dmg)
- ACLS are now prisoners of the clan
- They begin by wrapping Sariel in spider silk and tossing her on the back of one of the spiders.
- Acta refuses to cooperate.

- 1,500XP ea for 8,000 XP total ea.


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