Snap, Crackle, Pop - September 14, 2018

- Pour nozzles!
- Common core math
- Nightvale NRA bumper stickers

- The group sets up a camp in the designated area
- Later that day an elderly lizardfolk approaches their space
- She is wearing robes and walking with a staff that it clearly needs.
- She says she might be able to help us. She studies each of the party in turn, then she talks to Sariel tell her that if she becomes cleansed by fire, she may be able to speak with the Great Fire Spirits
- The rest follow as well.
- The elder's name Rhogni.
- Rhogni places Sariel in a circle, tells her to focus on the earth and the nature spirits, then chants (in a combination of Druidic and Draconic) and throw small bits of herbs and droplets of oils at her while Sariel is meditating and connecting with the Nature - this takes several hours
- Eventually, Sariel feels warmth, then she starts to be able to sense heat and heat levels in her vicinity
- Then Rhognis guides her to the bonfire and tells her that after this for a time she will only understand the Great Spirits
- As directed, Sariel steps into the bonfire and walks through it to the other side.
- The fire has burned away all her clothes, but her skin is unblemished (other than whatever scars she already had)
- To Sariel, her friends' speech has no more meaning than the sound of winds through leaves
- To her friends, Sariel's words sound like hissing and popping and crackling like a log on a fire
- Sariel can feel fire energy out in the swamp with varying intensities
- Sariel gets dressed again and starts to head out into the swamp towards the most intense sense of fire, but Acta refuses to let her.
- Acta insists that Sariel eat something, and Sariel is exasperated, but she does eat before trying to leave again
- Acta points at Sariel's bedroll after stopping her leaving again, but Sariel insists as best she can that she should go and try to find the Great Fire Spirits while the spell-state lasts. She appeals to Neil through gestures.
- Sariel watches her friends' discussion without comprehending
- She tries to go into the forest again and Acta insists she waits while they gear up
- Sariel waits
- Neil tries to ask her how far, but Sariel does know. Cornelius doesn't know if she doesn't understand his question or if she doesn't know.
- Sariel leads her party into the forest
- A few hours later, they see a glow ahead of them
- It is a tall (7'?) humanoid shape made of fire, Penny is on High Alert
- Sariel approaches it respectfully and greets it
- Sariel finds out from her conversation with the Fire Spirit that the fire in this land is also being pulled, and the pull is coming from the west, which is the direction that they came from originally
- She also asks about the curse on Barkridge, and the answer she gets is that the Witch called on fire snakes to kill the Wizard. He says the Witch is to the northeast
- The group walks back to the village of Angry Fire
- They sleep uneventfully well into the morning
- The next morning Sariel still can't understand Common
- Sariel attempts to send an Animal Messenger to Neil to tell him what the Fire Spirit said, but it transmits her message in Ignan
- At the end of the third day, Maginus comes and tell him some of the tribe members are uneasy with their continued presence, but they don't want to leave until Sariel can communicate again
- The morning of the fourth-day dawns and Sariel can talk again.
- Rhogni says the Bright Wolf clan lives to the northeast
- Sariel notices the bonfire is getting still smaller
- Maginus knows that beyond the lands of the Bright Wolf is the lands of the Red Spider and then beyond that human lands and then the ocean
- He knows nothing of a witch or wizard, but he does offer them a guide to the edge of their lands if they can wait to leave until the morning
- They graciously accept.

- 905 XP ea. for 6,500 XP total ea.


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