I'm Comin' Outta My Cage and I'm Doin' Just Fine - September 7, 2018

- Kitchen dancing
- Drunk Dan is funny.
- Much talking about aging booze in barrels

- We trip down an embankment as we run away from the Steam Elementals. We land in a heap and Neil hits his head getting knocked unconscious.
- Those party members still conscious look up to see that they are surrounded by lizard people who have spears and spiky shields with a line of fire down the middle.
- Sariel gently reaches over and casts Cure Wounds at Lvl 2 on Neil.
- Neil, now conscious, says, "We come in peace. Forgive my ineloquence. I was recently unconscious."
- They order us to follow them after confiscating our weapons.
- The lizardfolk miss one of Acta's daggers.
- They also tie their hands together in front of them.
- Acta manages to get the knot of her rope untied so that she is only pretend bound.
- After walking all day, we are locked in cages. Two and two.
- Neil and Acta are in one cage.
- Luca and Sariel are in the other.
- Penny is not captured.
- Cornelius asks the one guard left to watch them, "So are we waiting for anything in particular?"
- The guard is waiting for dinner.
- What about us? Are we going to talk to the chief or are we dinner?
- That depends on Maginus. We don't much care for humans.
- Neil asks "Do lizardfolk eat people?"
- Acta and Neil have both heard rumors about lizardfolk eating people.
- Sariel who was watching the guard genuinely believes that he doesn't speak Common
- Acta - Are we gonna wait this out or try to escape?
- Sariel - We don't know yet. We need to find out.
- Neil to the guard - So this is the clan of the angry fire?
- Guard - What gave it away?
- Neil asks about Maginus, and he's the shaman.
- Eventually, the party is fed some dinner. Luca has to wake Sariel up. (Lvl 1 Exh and stuff)
- Neil asks about making our case to Maginus.
- Neil is awakened by being prodded with a spear. The non-pointy end, thankfully.
- Neil - Morning. What can I do for you?
- Two of the lizardfolk are wearing warrior-type gear, but the third is wearing loose fitting pants and a cape with a bare chest. The warrior types are behaving somewhat deferentially.
- Neil whistles to get the others awake, but only Luca responds. Luca nudges Sariel. Neil nudges Acta.
- The robed guy says, "So you were found trespassing in our territory. What brings you to the land of fire?"
- Neil - Our sincerest apologies. We did not know we were trespassing. I did not have the best night's sleep. May I confer with my colleagues?
- Everyone agrees to play it straight and tell Maginus the truth.
- That's really good because Maginus speaks Common.
- After quite a bit of talking (too much on Sariel's part, I'm sure), they are out of the cages. (She hasn't been able to talk to anyone outside of the party in at least 6 weeks at this point.)
- They are led to the center of the village where there is a large bonfire.
- The packs and weapons are grouped near the bonfire.
- Acta immediately re-arms herself. The guards / warriors give her a bit of a stink eye, while Cornelious goes the diplomatic route and asks permission despite the fact that Acta is already living up to her name (acting).
- Acta believes she has met a dwarf. No one has seen the dwarves for a millennium.
- Neil goes to his pack and pulls out the box. He shows it quickly to Acta who doesn't sense anything.
- Neil presents the sealed box to Maginus.
- Maginus opens the box. There is a large red amulet in a gold setting inside.
- Maginus accepts it and puts it on. It almost looks like it weighs him down as it settles against his chest. The box was definitely lined or warded somehow to prevent magic. He will now lift the curse.
- Acta wants a guide back to the edge of the swamp, but that's a long way.
- Sariel begins quizzing Maginus about the ambient magical quality of the fire magic in this territory. He is unworried.
- Maginus did not send the fire snakes.
- Barkridge attempted to desecrate the land, and so may have angered the local fire spirits.
- Sariel believes they may need to speak with the fire spirits. She wants to anyway in order to discuss the ambient magic problem.

- 760 XP ea. for 5,565 XP total ea.


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