We Got Steamed - August 10, 2018

- Double-fisting Dysons

- The group wakes up.
- After a while, LACS finally finds the other path towards the Angry Fire clan
- The path goes
- The path goes
- The path goes
- A day and a half later, they realize they are really hot. Oppressively hot. And sticky.
- Not too much after that, there's a steamy mist that is getting thicker and higher
- Cornelius, Penny, and Sariel are having trouble dealing with the oppressive heat. They hit Level 1 Exhaustion
- Acta thinks she sees a face in the cloud. "The cloud is making faces"
- Cornelius hears giggling sounds.
- Luca uses Divine Sense, but doesn't sense any celestial or infernal or undead in the area.
- Sariel uses Detect Magic and there is magic in the area but the mist is
- Everyone hears the giggling.
- Sariel suggests the local translator announce that we come in peace.
- He does so.
- A small, flying creature coalesces in front of them and them blows a big cloud of steam at them.
- Everyone except Sariel dodges the majority of the fire damage.
- Another one forms behind the group.
- It also blows steam at them. This time Sariel and Cornelius dodge.
- Acta knows these are minor elementals of fire and water, so they would only speak Aquan and Ignan, not Draconic
- Sariel and Penny are not looking too hot, so Neil gives in and readies Ensnaring Strike

- Cornelius hits the first Steam Elemental with Ensnaring Strike for 12 piercing dmg
- S1 takes 5 piercing dmg then spits fire at him, superheating his armor and dealing for 10 fire dmg
- SE claws Sariel for 3 slashing dmg and 4 fire dmg
- SE4 breathes steam over the whole group for 8 fire dmg on everyone except Sariel and Penny who take half
- Acta casts Ray of Frost at SE1 for 2 cold dmg
- SE2 casts Heat Metal on Luca's armor and she takes 12 fire dmg
- Luca casts Bless on Acta, Cornelius, and Sariel then uses her Vow of Enmity on SE2 for attacking her
- Penny Disengages and runs out of the middle of the battle because she's pretty badly injured from the playful bouts of steam
- Sariel casts Cure Wounds on herself for 16 HP
- SE1 does not recharge. Does not break-out.
- Cornelius moves to Penny and casts Cure Wounds on her for 10 HP.
- SE3 misses Luca
- SE2 misses Luca
- Acta casts Sleep encompassing SE2 and SE4, but only SE2 falls asleep, so Luca is not on fire anymore
- SE2 is asleep
- Luca Disengages from SE3 and runs to Penny
- Penny Fair Escapes
- Sariel Disengages from SE3, Wild Shapes into a Riding Horse, and Fair Escapes
- SE1 takes 2 piercing dmg, uses his bonus action to reheat Neil's armor for 8 fire dmg, then fails to recharge his breath weapon, it then explodes as it dies giving Neil 6 fire dmg
- Neil Fair Escapes
- SE3 casts Heat Metal on Luca's armor for 11 fire dmg then moves as close to Luca as it can
- SE4 moves to Acta then misses her
- Acta Disengages and readies her Fair Escape for Luca to run past her
- SE2 is asleep
- Luca Fair Escapes
- Acta Fair Escapes

Goal: Escape the chasing Steam Elementals
- Luca uses Lay on Hands on herself for 15 HP (16 - Success!)
- Acta uses Acrobatics to dodge an Elemental nipping at her heels (Nat 1 - Failure!)
- Sariel uses Athletics (in Riding Horse form) to run in a zigzag pattern behind her friends and kick at the elementals to give her friends a better chance to get away (20 - Success!)
- Cornelius uses Survival to try to keep everyone on the path, but steps in a pothole himself, tripping (13 - Failure!)
- Luca tries to use Athletics to try to sprint ahead (11 - Failure!)

- Luca accidentally runs off of the path and her friends follow her lead. She suddenly realizes a very dry heat is rising in front of her

- 500 XP ea for 4,835 XP total ea.


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