The Wrong Lizard People - July 6, 2018

- 2017 was a rough year
- jump and dump - don't ask if you don't already know
- no discounted AC units for us
- drunk April is very opinionated

- The lizardfolk lead the party passed the giant tree which has a spiral staircase built into the giant trunk and across a rope bridge to another land island in the swamp
- The largest hut in the ground village area
- Inside the hut, there are four lizardfolk sitting around a campfire. One jumps up and speaks angrily
- The biggest, broadest one with a head frill, Chaxlix, stands and introduces himself
- He doesn't know what the heck they are talking about when trying to communicate the idea that they are there to make amends for Barkridge's trespass
- This tribe is the Green Dragon tribe, and they share borders with Angry Fire and Poison Fist.
- Angry Fire sure sounds like a likely tribe to send fire snakes after someone
- Neil asks about the tracks they saw after their sleep was disturbed, and they say that we encountered the Sacred Dragon
- Chaxlix asks if they were marked by the Sacred Dragon - We are under the impression that we were not.
- Much diplomatic speak
- The lizardfolk are unaware of environmental changes that might be affecting any latent earth magick (Sariel's question)
- There's another tribe in the vicinity called the Purple Blossoms
- The fork in the path that the group did not take leads to the territory of the Poison Fist
- There's a party, and the human teach some of the lizardfolk how to play cards
- The party is given a location to make camp on a dry piece of land (huzzah!)
- Acta gets drunk and starts talking to a lizard person who watches her extremely fascinating facial expressions while not understanding a single word she says
- Luca also gets drunk and lazes about
- The party is wakened by loud yelling. It sounds bad.
- Other lizardfolk are also poking their heads out of their huts
- The Sacred Dragon may have eaten people. Those people are the first to reach the honored afterlife.
- With some difficult Sariel, Acta, and Cornelius wake Luca then go investigate the source of the commotion
- We find two lizardfolk and the remains of a third (it was definitely chewed on and ripped up)
- It was definitely the Sacred Dragon, but the Dragon is probably not an actual dragon
- The rest of the night passes uneventfully.

- 300 XP ea for 2,760 XP total ea.


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