The Path Less Travelled, Somtimes a Mistake - July 13, 2018

- Level up to 4!

- The party has packed their things and have turned north toward the territory of the Angry Fire Tribe.
- Thus the day is spent.
- Around midday, there is another fork in the path, one side goes NW and the other goes E
- Luca climbs a tree and sees the NW path curves around to the N, but so does the E one
- The party follows the E trail, and it gradually becomes noticeably less traveled and rougher and the trees become thicker
- Around dusk they come to a clearing that has a large mound in the middle
- Acta looks around and then slightly climbs the side of the mound where she sees it's a nest, filled with four eggs
- She holds a light source behind the egg and sees a large lizard looking creature inside
- Sariel notices the forest has gotten very quiet (again)
- Luca hears a clicking sound coming from somewhere in the trees
- Acta turns around and sees a creature coming directly for her
- The creature is a Large lizard-like creature with long forearms, walks on two legs and has long claws,

Battle Over the Babies
- Sariel transforms into a Dire Wolf, moves to protect Acta and Cornelius, and is Ready to bite the Creature if it keeps coming at Acta
- Neil readies his longbow with Ensnaring Strike
- C1 approaches and then leaps over Penny and Sariel and lands next to Acta knocking her prone, then Sariel bites it for 12 piercing dmg and Neil misses with his longbow because he was not expecting that jump, then bits the ground next to her head then bites her shoulder for 16 piercing dmg, then Acta Reacts with Hellish Rebuke for 7 fire dmg
- Luca moves up to C1 and Taunts it, but it ignores her then she smashes it with her hammer for 4 bludgeoning dmg
- Acta stands up, then stabs C1 with her xiphos for 19 piercing dmg, then Disengages, then moves behind Neil
- Penny moves to and bites C1 for 10 piercing dmg
- C2 comes out of the forest and flanks Luca and bites her for 17 piercing dmg
- C3 comes out of the forest and moves up to Acta, knocks her prone, and bites her for 10 piercing dmg, then bites her again for 6 piercing
- Sariel bites C1 for 10 piercing dmg
- C1 misses Luca
- Neil uses his Ranger-ness to convince C3 that we do not mean them harm or their eggs, so it steps back then he moves back away from the nest up the path yelling, "RUN!"
- Luca Disengages and moves back to Cornelius
- Acta stands up and tears passed Luca and Neil then turns to wait for her friends
- Penny Disengages and moves most of the way to Acta
- C2 moves to flank Sariel and bites her for 18 piercing dmg
- C3 Readies an attack if his friends are attacked
- Sariel Disengages and runs as close to Acta as she can get
- Neil Rangers-it-up again and convinces C2 that we do not mean it or its eggs any harm then he runs back to Penny
- C1 moves to Luca and misses biting her
- Luca Disengages and runs to join her friends
- Acta casts Sleep on C1 and then Fair Escapes
- Everyone else Fair Escapes too

- Sariel casts Pass Without Trace and then they head cross swamp to the other path they should have taken in the first place that went E
- It is beginning to get dark, so the group agrees to travel carefully for 1 hour then make campo the best they can
- Neil casts Alarm spell

- 675 XP ea for 3,435 XP total


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