Poetry in Digestion - July 20, 2018
- Sahara Haze - Swamp Cooler v. Redneck AC - The group wakes up refreshed with the Alarm spell untriggered. - They are slightly soggy as there's not much high ground - Acta takes her turn climbing a tree to check the direction of their travel - She sees smoke in the direction they intend to travel - It is a difficult slog to get through the swamp without a path - In the early afternoon, LACS comes to a clearing with shaggy grass and purple flowers - Sariel stops everyone because the plants look weird and out of place compared to the other vegetation in this forest/swamp, she does Detect Magic as a ritual, but doesn't see anything - Luca and Neil notice there is a small pile of bones at one edge of the clearing - Penny sniffs around, but she doesn't notice anything - Acta starts picking flowers - The ground begins to rumble under Sariel's feet and the ground tries to fold her into itself, a thing that looks like a flying carpet made of Earthen Engagement ...