What are the mechanics of a Fuck-Off-Flyswatter? - June 1, 2018

- Frodo is still a nuisance
- The wrong Subway
- Cookies!
- Where's Dan the man?
- Happy trail vs. happy super highway

- A few days later after the group has been traveling into the forest and just reached the "Kakagula Wilds"
- The humidity is oppressive, but it's quite shady.
- The ground is getting swampy.
-  "He coulna ha' picked a tribe of lizardfolk who lived closer to civilization?"
- Acta slapped herself to kill a mosquito and hurt herself.
- So many bugs
- Marching order: Neil, Luca, Acta, Sariel
- Trudge, trudge, trudge
- Suddenly there are clouds of insects surrounding Neil and Acta and they get quite bitten

Better Buggy Battle
- Cornelius - Works on creating a Fuck-Off-Flyswatter out of his netting hat
- Acta - Rolls a nature check and discovers that she can't put the bug swarms to Sleep (spell) and that weapons also probably won't work super great in this case, then she attacks the Insect Swarm next to her with Firebolt, but they doughnut around it taking no damage, then she moves onto a solid-ish piece of land behind Sariel
- IS2 buzzes over to Sariel and bites her for 11 piercing dmg
- A Giant Snake rears up out of the water and bites Luca for 12 piercing dmg
- Penny the Panther runs up to the GS and bites it for 8 piercing dmg
- IS3 buzzes up to Luca and manages to bite only armor
- IS1 misses biting Neil
- Luca casts Bane on IS1, IS3, and GS
- Sariel casts Thunderwave on IS2 for 9 thunder dmg and pushes them 10'
- Cornelius - Finishes creating a Fuck-Off-Flyswatter and moves to flank the GS with Penny, getting missed by IS1's AOO
- Acta misses IS2 with Firebolt
- IS2 buzzes back over to Sariel and bites her for 8 piercing dmg
- GS misses Luca (Does a 0 hit your AC?)
- Penny bites GS for 10 piercing dmg (Nat 20, good kitties get scritchies)
- IS3 misses Luca
- IS1 buzzes over to Neil and misses biting him
- Luca smashed the GS for 5 bludgeoning dmg
- Sariel casts Flame Blade and attacks IS2 for 7 fire dmg killing it
- Cornelius swings his FOF but misses IS1
- Acta casts Firebolt and misses the GS
- GS squeezes Luca for 15 piercing dmg and she is grappled and loses her Concentration
- Penny bites GS for 5 piercing dmg
- IS3 misses Luca
- IS1 bites Neil for 11 piercing
- Luca touches herself (Lay on Hands) for 10 HP
- Sariel attacks IS3 with her Flame Blade for 12 fire dmg
- Neil finally manages to smoosh some bugs with the FOF for 8 bludgeoning dmg
- Acta casts Firebolt on GS for 2 fire dmg
- GS squeezes Luca for 13 bludgeoning dmg
- Penny misses GS
- IS3 bites Luca for 3 piercing dmg
- IS1 misses Neil
- Luca touches herself for 5 HP then casts Shield of Faith
- Sariel kills IS3 with 10 fire dmg
- Cornelius swats IS1 for 8 bludgeoning dmg
- Acta casts Firebolt on GS for 8 fire dmg
- GS squeezes Luca for 14 bludgeoning KO'ing her
- Penny bites GS for 9 piercing dmg
- IS1 misses Neil
- Luca misses on her Death ST
- Sariel casts Cure Wounds on Luca for 15 HP and pulls her face above the water
- Neil misses IS1
- Acta casts Firebolt on GS for 8 fire dmg and 7 SA dmg killing it
- Penny moves adjacent to IS1 and misses
- IS1 bites Neil for 11 piercing dmg
- Luca stands up and attacks IS1 using Divine Smite for 3 bludgeoning and 5 radiant dmg
- Sariel moves and murders IS1 with her Flame Blade (7 fire dmg)
- WIN!

- 400 XP ea for 2,160 XP total


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