Moving Right Along - June 8, 2018
- All the beer
- Airport stories / big red balls because that's a classic story
- Die wall from the software engineer
- Dragon dildos are a thing on the internet
- Donkey nutrition
- "You may lose the small ones but win the big ones." - April's Fortune Cookie
- The group found some dry land and made camp for the evening.
- Alarm spell from the ranger
- Potato pa-redneck
- Cornelius has a ping in his head from the spell
- He Stealthily pokes his head out of the tent
- He doesn't see anything, but he finds it to be unnaturally quiet in this portion of the Kakagula Wilds
- He calls to Penny who sniffs around and looks a little bristly
- Neil wakes up Sariel
- Sariel becomes a Dire Wolf and sniffs around, she smells something unusual in the warded area, but she does not recognize the scent
- Neil sneaks into the other tent and gently wake the other party members
- Luca uses her Paladin senses and she senses no Celestials, Fiends, or Undead
- Luca stands with her back to Penny's tree and calls from behind her shield "Hello?"
- Acta calls, "If you're not here to fight, I'm going back in my tent! You're ruining my sleep!"
- Sariel turns back into herself and casts Detect Magic as a ritual. She senses an Alarm spell in the area that was cast in the Abjuration school.
- The forest sounds are slowly starting to come back
- The group goes back to bed without doing a hula dance
- The rest of the night passes uneventfully
- The group pokes around and packs up and such
- Cornelius finds a path leading east, which is the direction they were heading as well as some footprints in the vicinity of the camp that look like a four-toed bipedal lizard foot or a large bird with three in the front and the fourth in the back in place of a humanoid heel. The tracks are fairly fresh, but they do not look like what a lizardfolk's footprints would look like. There were at least two of them. The tracks are not on the path.
- Luca notices there's a very large tree east of here. Noticeably larger than the surrounding trees
- The group follows the path to a place where it forks with a branch continuing east and a branch headed south.
- Everyone can tell that both paths continue on for some distance, but Acta can tell that the giant tree Luca pointed out earlier has a platform built into its branches like a lookout post
- The group continues east
- Eventually, the group comes across a tree with a humanoid corpse attached to the tree with spears. Neil knows the corpse could get to this stage in 7-10 days in this hot and humid environment. It is probably a human or an elf. There is writing in draconic on the tree that says "Stay away"
- Cornelius pauses to think before gently pulling the corpse down from the tree and gives it a burial "at swamp" as it were
- Luca says a blessing in Paladine's name
- The waterway is blocking the path
- Sariel grows a pole from a tree to Neil
- Acta determines the water is flowing slowly so she just starts walking into the water
- Neil proceeds cautiously behind Acta testing the depth with the pole
- Sariel turns into a riding horse and leads the donkey through the stream
- Luca follows to cover their rear
- The path is now moving slightly uphill.
- There is a group of five lizardfolk waiting on the path between them and the giant tree with the platform
- Acta calls "Hello!" The lizardfolk bristle
- Cornelius speaks to them in Draconic (parseltongue in bass).
- The one in the middle responds "Who are you, pale-face?"
- Cornelius introduces himself
- "Why do you come to the land of the Green Dragon?"
- Cornelius says that we come bearing a gift of apology and peace
- "Why would we want peace with you? What have you brought us?"
- Some more conferring back and forth, they agree to take us to their chief but note that any hostile movements will forfeit our lives
- During all this talking, Acta throws her dagger and kills a squirrel in her boredom and guts and presents it to the lizardfolk
- He accepts the gift
- We follow the lizardfolk up the path towards the tree
- 300 XP ea. for 2,460 XP total ea.
- All the beer
- Airport stories / big red balls because that's a classic story
- Die wall from the software engineer
- Dragon dildos are a thing on the internet
- Donkey nutrition
- "You may lose the small ones but win the big ones." - April's Fortune Cookie
- The group found some dry land and made camp for the evening.
- Alarm spell from the ranger
- Potato pa-redneck
- Cornelius has a ping in his head from the spell
- He Stealthily pokes his head out of the tent
- He doesn't see anything, but he finds it to be unnaturally quiet in this portion of the Kakagula Wilds
- He calls to Penny who sniffs around and looks a little bristly
- Neil wakes up Sariel
- Sariel becomes a Dire Wolf and sniffs around, she smells something unusual in the warded area, but she does not recognize the scent
- Neil sneaks into the other tent and gently wake the other party members
- Luca uses her Paladin senses and she senses no Celestials, Fiends, or Undead
- Luca stands with her back to Penny's tree and calls from behind her shield "Hello?"
- Acta calls, "If you're not here to fight, I'm going back in my tent! You're ruining my sleep!"
- Sariel turns back into herself and casts Detect Magic as a ritual. She senses an Alarm spell in the area that was cast in the Abjuration school.
- The forest sounds are slowly starting to come back
- The group goes back to bed without doing a hula dance
- The rest of the night passes uneventfully
- The group pokes around and packs up and such
- Cornelius finds a path leading east, which is the direction they were heading as well as some footprints in the vicinity of the camp that look like a four-toed bipedal lizard foot or a large bird with three in the front and the fourth in the back in place of a humanoid heel. The tracks are fairly fresh, but they do not look like what a lizardfolk's footprints would look like. There were at least two of them. The tracks are not on the path.
- Luca notices there's a very large tree east of here. Noticeably larger than the surrounding trees
- The group follows the path to a place where it forks with a branch continuing east and a branch headed south.
- Everyone can tell that both paths continue on for some distance, but Acta can tell that the giant tree Luca pointed out earlier has a platform built into its branches like a lookout post
- The group continues east
- Eventually, the group comes across a tree with a humanoid corpse attached to the tree with spears. Neil knows the corpse could get to this stage in 7-10 days in this hot and humid environment. It is probably a human or an elf. There is writing in draconic on the tree that says "Stay away"
- Cornelius pauses to think before gently pulling the corpse down from the tree and gives it a burial "at swamp" as it were
- Luca says a blessing in Paladine's name
- The waterway is blocking the path
- Sariel grows a pole from a tree to Neil
- Acta determines the water is flowing slowly so she just starts walking into the water
- Neil proceeds cautiously behind Acta testing the depth with the pole
- Sariel turns into a riding horse and leads the donkey through the stream
- Luca follows to cover their rear
- The path is now moving slightly uphill.
- There is a group of five lizardfolk waiting on the path between them and the giant tree with the platform
- Acta calls "Hello!" The lizardfolk bristle
- Cornelius speaks to them in Draconic (parseltongue in bass).
- The one in the middle responds "Who are you, pale-face?"
- Cornelius introduces himself
- "Why do you come to the land of the Green Dragon?"
- Cornelius says that we come bearing a gift of apology and peace
- "Why would we want peace with you? What have you brought us?"
- Some more conferring back and forth, they agree to take us to their chief but note that any hostile movements will forfeit our lives
- During all this talking, Acta throws her dagger and kills a squirrel in her boredom and guts and presents it to the lizardfolk
- He accepts the gift
- We follow the lizardfolk up the path towards the tree
- 300 XP ea. for 2,460 XP total ea.
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