Opening Salvo - April 27, 2018

- New "Red Card" Rule - If you are uncomfortable with the topic of the scene, say Red Card, and the topic will change

- In the village of Blackmoor at the inn of the Excited Fish, which is the only inn, Acta, Luca, and Sariel are having a nice dinner.
- There are also a well-dressed man and a group of three elves.
- The innkeeper is an older woman named Jeanette.
- When suddenly the wall catches fire.
- Sariel looks up and there's a slithery, reptilian-looking tail coming through the thatched roof.
- Once outside, everyone can see several glowing, firey python snakes dripping fire, one on the roof.

- Cornelius comes running up from his place outside of town, tries to talk to the Fire Snake in Draconic, but it just hisses at him in a way that might or might not be language. He gives a command to his Pet Panther Penny, which she will take on her turn. He readies his bow to attack any FS who attacks a person.
- Acta casts Ray of Frost at Fire Snake3, but misses, so she moves up to its face.
- Sariel Wild Shapes into her Dire Wolf form, rushes FS3, and bites it for 6 piercing damage and knocks it Prone.
- Penny jumps onto the roof of the building adjacent to the inn.
- FS1 moves to flank Acta with FS3, then readies an attack action on her until FS3 "stands up"
- FS3 "stands up"
- FS1 attacks Acta for 5 piercing and 5 fire dmg.
- Acta Reacts with Hellish Rebuke, but the fire dmg doesn't affect them at all
- FS1 attacks Acta with its tail for 2 bludgeoning and 6 fire dmg.
- Cornelius shoots FS1 for 6 piercing dmg
- FS2 slithers into a hole in the thatch roof and there is screaming inside the building.
- FS3 bites Acta for 2 piercing and 1 fire. It then hits her with its tail for 5 bludgeoning and 2 fire dmg.
- Luca moves adjacent to Acta & FS3, casts Compelled Duel on FS1, and then uses Lay on Hands on Acta.
- Cornelius shoots and misses FS3 with his longbow, then moves
- Acta misses FS3 with her xiphos, then Disengages from FS1 and moves away from the both of them.
- Sariel bites FS3 for 9 piercing and she takes 5 fire dmg.
- Penny gets into the burning inn.
- FS1 moves adjacent to Luca and misses biting her and hitting her with her tail.
- FS2 misses biting an elf and also misses with its tail.
- FS3 bites Sariel for 4 piercing and 4 fire dmg. It hits her with its tail for 5 bludgeoning and 4 fire dmg.
- Luca casts Bless (HAT!)
- Cornelius shoots FS3 for 12 piercing dmg.
- Acta moves closer to the inn's door and then shoots FS3 for 17 piercing dmg.
- Sariel bites FS3 for 9 piercing killing it, but she still takes 3 fire dmg.
- Penny moves adjacent to FS2 but misses biting it.
- FS1 misses twice again.
- FS2 kills an elf, then Penny attacks FS2 for 10 piercing dmg and takes 2 fire dmg, then it moves and kills another elf.
- Luca moves into the building, then casts Channel Divinity - Abjure Enemy, so its speed is halved until it takes dmg.
- Cornelius moves into the inn and shoots FS2 for 6 piercing.
- Acta misses FS1 with her shortbow then moves up to it.
- Sariel moves to flank with Acta, then she bites FS1 for 10 piercing dmg and takes 2 fire dmg.
- Penny moves to FS2 and bites it for 8 piercing and takes 4 fire dmg.
- FS1 almost bites Acta, but she casts Shield, so he misses with his tail as well.
- FS2 kills the last elf.
- Luca moves up to FS2 smashes her hammer into FS2 for 6 bludgeoning.
- Cornelius shoots FS2 killing it.
- Acta Disengages and backs up then casts Ray of Frost on FS1 for 8 cold dmg and its speed is reduced by 10 until her next turn, then she moves back up to flank with Sariel.
- Sariel bites FS1 and kills it while taking 4 fire dmg.

- Everyone immediately runs inside, but Sariel notices that the well-dressed gentleman seems to have disappeared without ever seeing him leave the building.

- 360 XP ea. for 1,260 XP ea. total


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