Lord Barkridge, I Presume - May 11, 2018

- Too much talking to take notes.

- Character descriptions!
- The group of heroes gets Jeanette the innkeeper out of her burning inn. She does not know what happened to the well-dressed gentleman, Lord Barkridge.
- Lord Barkridge has a large estate north of this village near Rodeon.
- Luca knows he's part of the city's ruling council in Rodeon. 

- SKILLZ CHALLENGE - Put out the burning inn. - 8 before 4
- Cornelius - Survival - 14 - Failure
- Sariel - Nature - 6 - Failure
- Acta - Athletics - 16 - Success!
- Luca - Persuasion - 16 - Success!
- Cornelius - Animal Handing (Penny) - 17 - Success!
- Sariel - Medicine - 18 - Success!
- Acta - Arcana - 9 - Failure
- Luca - Athletics - 18 - Success!
- Cornelius - Acrobatics - 18 - Success!
- Sariel - Athletics - Crit Fail - Failure

Whomp Whomp. 

- The inn more or less burns to the ground, but most of surrounding buildings in the village square are mostly undamaged.
- Jeanette says that she shouldn't have let him in because he's had such bad luck lately.
- Sariel sniffs out the remains of the elves who were killed by the fire snakes.
- Penny helps with the sniffing but doesn't find anything except a charred roast chicken.
- Jeanette has no idea what's going on.
- Jeanette says that nobody was out to get the elves who died.
- "No refunds."
- If someone was after a person, it's probably Luca or Lord Barkridge.
- Jeanette will ask to say with her cousin.
- Cornelius invites the ladies to bunk on his floor.
- His place is a smallish adobe hut.
- All agree to go to Barkridge's estate for a "wellness" check.
- They arrive around midday. The estate is in a nice open area surrounded by pasturelands and fields.
- Luca knocks and introduces herself to the butler and inquires about Barkridge's health.
- They are invited inside and directed to a parlor.
- Acta asks about his presence in the Excited Fish, and he is a bit unnerved.
- He recognizes Luca.
- Barkridge may have run afoul of some. . . lizardfolk.
- He went out through the kitchen as he is not a hero. (Too many people asking questions at the same time.)
- He was traveling through the jungle and may have offended a lizardfolk shaman.
- He's certainly not telling us everything, but he doesn't seem too shady.
- Lizardfolk are very insular. Accidental trespass can be considered offensive.
- They speak Draconic.
- Barkridge definitely tried to steal something from them.
- The "gift" (read bribe) is a piece of jewelry that has been in his family for some time, but with Acta's suggestion, he thinks of a better "magicky" item.
- "The threat of death will cure a man of many things. . . " "Like greed."

- 300XP ea. for 1,560XP total ea.


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