
Showing posts from January, 2021

Tree Team 6 - January 22, 2021

 - April started with a shot of te quila.  - First session of the new administration! NO MORE TRUMP! - Zaril casts the Mansion for Neil to stash Penny and Jinorah while the party participates on the bug raid - Ellilune asks if they are ready, and Zaril casts Bardic Inspiration on Acta. - Neil casts Darkvision on himself - Ellilune reaches over and touches a large tree, and the tree starts to shake, and the ground starts to rumble. A cool mist comes off the tree and floats in the air. She instructs the team to  - Everyone touches the tree and is transported to the hive  - Sariel quickly casts Sunburst about 65' away from herself incinerating seven bugs instantly. - THE DISTRACTION BATTLE - Neil casts Lightning Arrow and Readies his bow so that as soon "Silvana" appears he will fire the at her "feet" to create a burst of Lightning. - Sariel casts Wall of Thorns along the wall the group's left to prevent bugs from easily getting to them from that side. - A bug

In Which There is Planning - January 15, 2021

 - The next morning Neil tells everyone about his conversation with Ellilune:     - She says she's done making zombie / plant people as it was only a means to an end - We'll see     - She is definitely on the side of nature, but she has never yet been to the Holimion Forest     - Ellilune is going to come help them with the bug problem - Zaril uses her new ring to play fetch with balls of lightning with Jinorah. Jinorah gets really excited and has a great time. Zaril also has a good time. - After breakfast and the play time, they all head to Fireflower Meadow - Zaril Sends to Silvana, "We have some questions about the bug things. Can you meet us in Fireflower Meadow again in an hour and half? This is Zaril. The bird." - She hears back, "I will meet with you." - The hoof it to the meeting place and get there in good time.  - Zaril sees a pretty rock that she bends down to pick up, and when she stands back up Silvana is standing there. - As they are talking to

A Pair of Powerful Women - January 8, 2021

- Neil picks up one of the wizard bug staffs and sees that it looks like the same material as their shells. - Sariel is chasing the wizard bug underground as an earth elemental. - It goes away, then dives down. She follows it deep, deep underground to an open cavern. - It's too dark for her to see, but she feel vibration all over the walls around her through her tremor sense. - There are A LOT of creatures in this space. She does not sense Silvana in this room. - Sariel feels a bug poke her before she can get back to the wall. Suddenly she is swarmed and pinned down by dozens of bugs. - She transforms into a Fire Elemental instead. All the creatures on her burst into flames. The first layer of bugs barbeques away, but there are more and more and more of them to be replaced. - Sariel is starting to wear down despite her fire elemental's form wasting bugs. She starts to feel a pressure building in her "chest". It gets more and more uncomfortable. It starts to be painful