Disregard Fire, Acquire Short Rest - November 22, 2019
- Lots of chatting because Mrs. Wells is having a rough night - The group pauses and pants for a few minutes. - Zaril gets a Sending from Barkridge, "Did you defeat the creatures or do you require additional assistance?" - She returns, "We killed everything, you asshat. Thanks for abandoning us. Your house is on fire. You might want to come deal with that. We are napping." - After a few moments, Barkridge reappears with a pop in the middle of the room. - The roof structure of the house is badly damaged and might collapse. - There is much grumbling about Barkridge's abandonment - Zaril digs the Bag of Hold out of the rubble and dusts it off. - She takes it and dashes up the stairs to where we left our pile of stuff and stuff it all in then grabs a bunch of things that look valuable (200 GP worth of objet d'art, vases and stuff) - They finally get out of the slowly burning building. - Neil whistles for Penny who trots over - Barkridge casts Control...