
Showing posts from November, 2019

Disregard Fire, Acquire Short Rest - November 22, 2019

- Lots of chatting because Mrs. Wells is having a rough night - The group pauses and pants for a few minutes. - Zaril gets a Sending from Barkridge, "Did you defeat the creatures or do you require additional assistance?" - She returns, "We killed everything, you asshat. Thanks for abandoning us. Your house is on fire. You might want to come deal with that. We are napping." - After a few moments, Barkridge reappears with a pop in the middle of the room. - The roof structure of the house is badly damaged and might collapse. - There is much grumbling about Barkridge's abandonment - Zaril digs the Bag of Hold out of the rubble and dusts it off. - She takes it and dashes up the stairs to where we left our pile of stuff and stuff it all in then grabs a bunch of things that look valuable (200 GP worth of objet d'art, vases and stuff) - They finally get out of the slowly burning building. - Neil whistles for Penny who trots over - Barkridge casts Control...

I'm Sorry. I Thought It Was a Secret, Evil-Wizard Name - November 15, 2019

- Funny dog and toilet paper pack story from Katie - Back in the room, a bird flies out of the bag of holding lands on Acta's shoulder and speaks into her ear in Ellilune's voice, "I have acquired sufficient magical energy and no longer need Valador's sources. Please dispose of Valador immediately and report in when you do. It is time to begin Phase 2." - Acta reaches in the bag of holding, the interior of the bag seems to be coated in zombie-making vine plant, and she thinks about the book she stole from Valador, it comes to her hand, but she has to pull it out through the vines - After some time spent fruitlessly trying to get the plants out of the bag, the group finally decides that they need to pick sides. - They unanimously agree Barkridge is the lesser of two evils. - Sariel takes a nap because she's a real grouch when she doesn't get enough. - Neil and everyone else goes downstairs to get Valador's help removing the vines, and to throw El...

Hey! Wizard! Leave Our Heads Alone! - November 8, 2019

- April's first away session  :-( - Technical difficulties - The group heads down to breakfast as requested. - Acta "hides" at the table - They have been directed to take it directly to the fire giants at Mount Arbormor - Acta asks if he can't just teleport us there directly - he exasperatedly says no - The group asks him about the Poofy Pants fellows, and he doesn't recognize the description, but when Zaril shows him the bow and he examines it he says it looks familiar, but Zaril thinks he knows more - Neil spills the beans about Elillune and Chemondoro and says that we know he's a wizard, Valador - Valador admits it - He says that the bow indeed did come from Chemondoro - Chemondoro has located some sort of source for magical components and energy - to control the source is to have great power - Sariel assumes he wants world domination, he claims to only want to control his bit of it - Breakfast is over with a promise to talk again at lunch - T...