Diplomacy and Stealth - May 31, 2019
- Tiny ukelele! - Music theory lesson by Dan - Arson by Dan - Neil spends his few rest days in Barkridge's Library studying maps and naturey things. - Acta pokes around the manor and finds a couple of areas that are magicky. There's some Illusion magic and some Transmutation magic around in the rotunda at the entry to the house. - Zaril asks Barkridge about the group, he says he believe them to be trustworthy. - Sariel starts trying to cozy up to the bard to get to know her and feel her out. She turns into an owl and they enjoy a flight over the town. - After a couple of days, Barkridge has a Proper Dinner for the group to discuss their willingness to travel to the giant in the southern mountains. - They agree to the trip. The conditions: At least the 2400 GP in pay again, and expenses paid. - Barkridge mentions that he has no aptitude for magic, and Zaril definitely gets the feeling that he's not being truthful about his abilities or his interest level. - Barkri...