Moving Right Along - June 8, 2018
- CAKE! - All the beer - Airport stories / big red balls because that's a classic story - Die wall from the software engineer - Dragon dildos are a thing on the internet - Donkey nutrition - "You may lose the small ones but win the big ones." - April's Fortune Cookie - The group found some dry land and made camp for the evening. - Alarm spell from the ranger - Potato pa-redneck - Cornelius has a ping in his head from the spell - He Stealthily pokes his head out of the tent - He doesn't see anything, but he finds it to be unnaturally quiet in this portion of the Kakagula Wilds - He calls to Penny who sniffs around and looks a little bristly - Neil wakes up Sariel - Sariel becomes a Dire Wolf and sniffs around, she smells something unusual in the warded area, but she does not recognize the scent - Neil sneaks into the other tent and gently wake the other party members - Luca uses her Paladin senses and she senses no Celestials, Fiends, or Undead -...