
Showing posts from June, 2018

Moving Right Along - June 8, 2018

- CAKE! - All the beer - Airport stories / big red balls because that's a classic story - Die wall from the software engineer - Dragon dildos are a thing on the internet - Donkey nutrition - "You may lose the small ones but win the big ones." - April's Fortune Cookie - The group found some dry land and made camp for the evening. - Alarm spell from the ranger - Potato pa-redneck - Cornelius has a ping in his head from the spell - He Stealthily pokes his head out of the tent - He doesn't see anything, but he finds it to be unnaturally quiet in this portion of the Kakagula Wilds - He calls to Penny who sniffs around and looks a little bristly - Neil wakes up Sariel - Sariel becomes a Dire Wolf and sniffs around, she smells something unusual in the warded area, but she does not recognize the scent - Neil sneaks into the other tent and gently wake the other party members - Luca uses her Paladin senses and she senses no Celestials, Fiends, or Undead -...

What are the mechanics of a Fuck-Off-Flyswatter? - June 1, 2018

- Frodo is still a nuisance - The wrong Subway - Cookies! - Where's Dan the man? - Happy trail vs. happy super highway - A few days later after the group has been traveling into the forest and just reached the "Kakagula Wilds" - The humidity is oppressive, but it's quite shady. - The ground is getting swampy. -  "He coulna ha' picked a tribe of lizardfolk who lived closer to civilization?" - Acta slapped herself to kill a mosquito and hurt herself. - So many bugs - Marching order: Neil, Luca, Acta, Sariel - Trudge, trudge, trudge - Suddenly there are clouds of insects surrounding Neil and Acta and they get quite bitten Better Buggy Battle - Cornelius - Works on creating a Fuck-Off-Flyswatter out of his netting hat - Acta - Rolls a nature check and discovers that she can't put the bug swarms to Sleep (spell) and that weapons also probably won't work super great in this case, then she attacks the Insect Swarm next to her with Fire...