
Showing posts from May, 2018

Market Day - May 18, 2018

- Mr. Frodo has no manners yet - Laziness gives sunburns - The group makes a deal with Barkridge that for 500GP plus travel expenses they will deliver a magic item to the lizardfolk shaman to ask him politely to stop trying to kill him. - ACLS start walking to Rodeon to provision themselves for their long journey, discussing needs and desires as they go - Make it to Rodeon before nightfall - Each takes 50 GP of the 250GP and use the last 50GP to set up a group petty cash fund. - Group will buy a donkey and 2 tents from the group fund just created - Luca points the group in the direction of The Rose and Crown inn - Cornelius sneaks Penny into his room for the night - Acta goes snooping around and finds what she thinks might be a fire-worshipping cult, but it's just the kitchen - An uneventful evening passes - Breakfast at the inn - Luca writes a letter to her father telling him the mission she has accepted in the "ask forgiveness not permission" style - Acta n

Lord Barkridge, I Presume - May 11, 2018

- Too much talking to take notes. - Character descriptions! - The group of heroes gets Jeanette the innkeeper out of her burning inn. She does not know what happened to the well-dressed gentleman, Lord Barkridge. - Lord Barkridge has a large estate north of this village near Rodeon. - Luca knows he's part of the city's ruling council in Rodeon.  - SKILLZ CHALLENGE - Put out the burning inn. - 8 before 4 - Cornelius - Survival - 14 - Failure - Sariel - Nature - 6 - Failure - Acta - Athletics - 16 - Success! - Luca - Persuasion - 16 - Success! - Cornelius - Animal Handing (Penny) - 17 - Success! - Sariel - Medicine - 18 - Success! - Acta - Arcana - 9 - Failure - Luca - Athletics - 18 - Success! - Cornelius - Acrobatics - 18 - Success! - Sariel - Athletics - Crit Fail - Failure Whomp Whomp.  - The inn more or less burns to the ground, but most of surrounding buildings in the village square are mostly undamaged. - Jeanette says that she

Opening Salvo - April 27, 2018

- New "Red Card" Rule - If you are uncomfortable with the topic of the scene, say Red Card, and the topic will change - In the village of Blackmoor at the inn of the Excited Fish, which is the only inn, Acta, Luca, and Sariel are having a nice dinner. - There are also a well-dressed man and a group of three elves. - The innkeeper is an older woman named Jeanette. - When suddenly the wall catches fire. - Sariel looks up and there's a slithery, reptilian-looking tail coming through the thatched roof. - Once outside, everyone can see several glowing, firey python snakes dripping fire, one on the roof. - SNAKE FIGHT - Cornelius comes running up from his place outside of town, tries to talk to the Fire Snake in Draconic, but it just hisses at him in a way that might or might not be language. He gives a command to his Pet Panther Penny, which she will take on her turn. He readies his bow to attack any FS who attacks a person. - Acta casts Ray of Frost at Fire Snake3,