
Showing posts from April, 2019

No Means No (But Resistance is Futile!) - April 5, 2019

- The skeletons poof into dust. - The fire in the center of the room dies down and goes out. - The light from Luca's magic hammer dims until it is 20 ft of dim light only. - Sariel and Acta can see that the walls have murals painted on them. - The first mural is of a king on a balcony looking down onto his subjects, but all his subjects look like gaunt, undead things who are wailing in pain. - The second mural is a thief trying to break into a castle door looking back over his shoulder. He has vampire-type fangs. - The last one is of a man who is on fire running away from fiery yellow skulls. - Neil lights a torch, but it also can only cast 20ft of bright light, but the two light sources together can produce bright light where they overlap. - The door the group entered by is now closed. - Acta casts Detect Magic and can tell that the murals are magically in some way from the School of Enchantment - Sariel casts Detect Evil & Good and can confirm that this place is in