
Showing posts from November, 2018

Nuremberg Forest - November 30, 2018

- New house!! - Judy's here too - Frodo is a butt - As the party is preparing to take their prisoner away from the burning village (no real chance of a forest fire), everyone except Luca hears the call of a horn, and Cornelius hear a very faint answering call from the NW - Sariel casts Pass Without Trace as quickly as possible - Neil asks the lizardfolk how many there are ("Enough to do you in.") then gags the prisoner on the back of the horse - They head east at a brisk pace with Sariel transformed into a horse carrying Neil and Acta keeping an eye out for a small path or deer trail or something that heads north after a few miles as soon as Sariel can't maintain horse form. (Two hours at this point.) - They finally take a short rest, Neil and Penny spend Hit Dice, and Neil also casts Cure Wounds on himself - The group all fail their Perception checks while they are resting (highest two tied at 11) - When they turn back around, the prisoner is gone. Neil fin

Hear No Smoke, Smell No Fire - November 16, 2018

- Moving day is tomorrow! - Lizard penis pictures - The village is abandoned, but there are no obvious signs of violence. - Neil looks for mosquito nets but doesn't find any. - Acta looks in all the buildings for a pub but there isn't one. - Everyone, except Sariel who is looking for a small bird to use for an Animal Messenger in the morning, hears the sounds of movement and crackling sounds - Penny is growly because of the smell of smoke - Acta Stealths in the direction of the sounds and smells to investigate - There are lizardfolk, two of whom are riding spiders and one who is on foot, at the edge of town, and they are setting the buildings on fire. - They definitely see Luca and Cornelius in the middle of town - Acta sees that there are two more lizardfolk on foot around, but not visible to Luca and Neil for a total of five lizardfolk - Neil draws an arrow, and shouts in Draconic, "WHY?!" - One of the mounted lizardfolk responds, "What concern is