Do Drugged Dragons Dream of Diamonds or Dinner? - February 5, 2021
- Everyone enters the Mansion and Penny is relaxing in a corner and chuffs in a friendly manner when they come in. - Jinorah is passed out, fast asleep having gorged herself on a meat feast. - The time is around noon. - They all file back out to talk to Ellilune. - She claims to have lost her way a bit in the process of trying to rescue the titan Agrexost from the exploitation of the city of Chemendoro and lost sight of the wellbeing of "lesser" life forms. - There is some discussion about what to do about the titan to either put it back into stasis or to send it to the Plane of Ice - Zaril has a light bulb moment and Sends to Agrexost, "Sorry about your predicament. We aren’t good for each other. We would like to send you to a place of ice. Is that okay?" - There's quiet for a beat or two, and then there's a loud cacophonous roar and she can just barely make out, "All will be ice." and she takes 29 psychic dmg. - Zaril collapses screaming. - Sar...
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